Most production and deliveries took place in lignite
Considering the total salable production amount of solid fuels in October 2015; 120 thousand 121 tons of hard coal, 3 million 344 thousand 890 tons of lignite and 398 thousand 559 tons of hard coal coke, the amount of delivery (1) is examined; 3 million 379 thousand 390 tons of hard coal, 3 million 610 thousand 40 tons of lignite and hard coal smell was realized as 401 thousand 202 tons.
The lowest ratio of production to deliveries took place in hard coal
The ratio of produced solid fuels to deliveries (2) was 3.6% at the lowest hard coal. This rate was 92.7% in lignite and 99.3% in hard coal.
Hard coal and lignite delivery to most thermal power plants
When the distribution of solid fuels according to the place of delivery is examined; 35.8% of hard coal delivery to thermal power plants, 17.5% to coke plants, 5.9% to non-iron and steel industry, 86% of lignite delivery to thermal power plants. 97.6% of the hard coal coke was shipped to the iron and steel industry.
Production coverage ratio, October 2015