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Housing Sales Statistics, December 2015

As of 2015, the total number of residential sales for the selected districts within the scope of housing sales statistics is published monthly in the Central Data Distribution System (MEDAS) database. As of 2016, the number of house sales in selected districts will be published annually at the end of each year in the statistics tables section of mortgage-other, first-sale-second-hand sales details. The relevant table is available at Alt_id = 1056.

In Turkey in the year 2015 1 289 320 housing sales results has changed hands

Housing sales increased by 10.6% in 2015 compared to the previous year. In 2015, Istanbul had the highest share (18.6%) in house sales with 239 767 house sales. Istanbul was followed by Ankara with 146 537 house sales (11.4%) and İzmir with 77 796 house sales (6%). The least sales were realized in Hakkari with 139 houses. Turkey sold throughout the residential mortgage 434 388 of them, while 854 932 of them took place in other types of sales.

Housing sales numbers, 2014-2015

142 599 housing was sold in December 2015 Turkey

housing sales in Turkey increased by 5.9% compared to the same month of the previous year in the month of December 2015 was 142 599. In housing sales, Istanbul had the highest share (18.7%) with 26 595 house sales. Istanbul was followed by Ankara with 16 046 house sales (11.3%) and İzmir with 8 345 house sales (5.9%). Provinces with low sales were Hakkari with 13, Şırnak with 15 and Ardahan with 20.

Mortgage sales were realized as 40 283 in December 2015

Across Turkey mortgage sales showing a 6.6% decrease compared to the same month of the previous year was 40 283. The share of mortgaged sales in total house sales was 28.2%. In mortgaged sales, Istanbul ranked first with 8 826 sales and 21.9% share. Ardahan had the highest share of mortgaged sales in total house sales with 55%.

102 316 properties changed hands as a result of other sales types

Other housing sales in Turkey was 102_316 increased by 11.8% compared to the same month of the previous year. In other house sales, İstanbul ranked first with 17 769 house sales and 17.4% share. The share of other sales in total housing sales in Istanbul was 66.8%. Ankara ranked second with 10 611 other housing sales. Ankara was followed by İzmir with 5 861 housing sales. Ardahan was the province with the least sales of 9 other houses.

Residential sales by sales type, December 2015 Residential sales by sales type, December 2015
74 032 housing sold for the first time in housing sales

Turkey compared to the same month of the previous year, the number of houses sold increased 12.4% for the first time in general was 74 032. The share of the first sales in total house sales was 51.9%. Istanbul had the highest share (18.4%) with 13 625 house sales in the first sales, followed by Ankara with 8 031 house sales and İzmir with 3 695 house sales.

68 567 properties changed second hand in the sale of used housing

second-hand housing sales in Turkey was 68_567 a decrease of 0.4% compared to the same month of the previous year. In second hand housing sales, İstanbul ranked first with 12 970 house sales and 18.9% share. The share of second hand sales in total housing sales in Istanbul was 48.8%. Ankara ranked second with 8 015 housing sales. Ankara was followed by İzmir with 4 650 housing sales.

Turkey was sold to foreigners in 2015 across the 22 830 housing

Housing sales to foreigners increased by 20.4% in 2015 compared to the previous year. In 2015, Istanbul ranked first with 7 493 residences and Antalya with 6 072 residences. Antalya was followed by Bursa with 1 501 sales and Yalova with 1 425 sales.

In December 2015, 2 283 houses were sold to foreigners. In December 2015, Istanbul ranked first in terms of sales to foreigners with 977 sales. Istanbul was followed by Antalya with 460 sales, Bursa with 139 sales and Yalova with 118 sales.

According to the nationality of the country, the highest number of homes sold to Iraqi citizens

Iraqi citizens in 2015 bought a 4228 housing in Turkey. Iraq was followed by Saudi Arabia with 2 704 residences, Kuwait with 2 130 residences, Russian Federation with 2 036 residences and England with 1 054 residences.

In December, it bought 512 residences in Turkey from Iraqi citizens. Iraq was followed by Saudi Arabia with 258 houses, Kuwait with 209 houses and Russian Federation with 150 houses.

men in Turkey in 2015, 774 874, 382 237 women became the owner housing

In Turkey in 2015, 774 874 men (60.1%), 382 237 women (29.6%) were homeowners, 29 708 (2.3%) were jointly by the housing men and women. Istanbul 67 960 residential sales in the province, and was purchased by a share issue most women in Turkey 17.8%. While 141_011 houses were bought by men in Istanbul, the number of houses purchased by men and women was 7 871. Hakkari was the province with the least sales to women with 28 houses and to men with 110 houses.