According to provisional results, 17 779 enterprises operated in the financial intermediary sector in 2014
There were 235 enterprises in financial services, 64 enterprises in insurance, reinsurance and pension funds, and 17,480 enterprises in auxiliary services for financial services and insurance activities.
Value added at factor cost was 94 644 988 952 TL
89.8% of the total value added in financial intermediary institutions was financial service activities, 6.0% in insurance, reinsurance and pension funds activities, and 4.2% in financial services and insurance activities.
Value added at factor cost in financial intermediation institutions, 2014
Value added at factor cost increased by 12.8% in total compared to the previous year
Value added at factor cost increased by 11.1% in financial services activities, 33.0% in insurance, reinsurance and pension funds activities and 27.1% in auxiliary services for financial services and insurance activities compared to the previous year.
The highest employment was realized in financial services activities in financial intermediary institutions
The number of personnel employed in financial intermediary institutions was 329 thousand 988. 72,0% of total employment was provided in financial service activities, 5,8% in insurance, reinsurance and pension funds, and 22,2% in auxiliary services for financial services and insurance activities.
Employment in financial intermediary institutions, 2014
Personnel cost was realized as 24 430 367 648 TL
83.5% of the personnel costs of financial intermediary institutions were realized in financial service activities, 7.1% in insurance, reinsurance and pension funds, and 9.4% in financial services and insurance activities. Banks alone accounted for 77.8% of the personnel costs of financial intermediaries. 88.3% of the personnel costs of financial intermediary institutions consisted of salaries and wages and 11.7% of them consisted of social security costs.
Banks had the largest share in the number of employees and value added
70.1% of the total wage earners and 80.5% of the total value added of financial intermediary institutions were in banks.
The ratio of female employees in financial intermediation institutions was 47.3%
In 2014, the number of female employees employed in financial intermediary institutions was 150 thousand 603, while the number of male personnel was 167 thousand 600. The rate of paid female employees was 47.3% and that of paid male workers was 52.7%.
The distribution of men and women in paid employees, 2007 - 2014