Mayor Baştürkmen, son Final application for qualified companies ”

Mayor Baştürkmen, son Final application for qualified companies ”

Haldan Baştürkmen, Chairman of Buldan Chamber of Commerce, informed that Buldan Chamber of Commerce should apply to the Trade Registry Office until 26 June 2015 for the official deletion of the trade registry records of joint-stock and limited liability companies and cooperatives.

Mayor Baştürkmen, in his written statement, on September 11, 2014 in the Official Gazette, “Amendments to the Labor Law and some Laws and Decree Laws on the Restructuring of some receivables Kanun reminding that” published article 133 of the Law No. 6102 ' In the first paragraph of the article 'This law comes into force within two years from the date' and the first paragraph (b) in the sub-paragraph 'two years after the effective date' the phrase 'until July 01, 2015' has been changed.

Baştürkmen stated that Geçici Provisions of this article are not applicable to companies or cooperatives that have ongoing lawsuits as plaintiff or defendant asında in paragraph 2 of Temporary Article 7 of Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102, “Tax records have been deleted; registered and announced, although the new address within the period of termination of the registration of a new regulation will be deemed to be the reason, if the plaintiff or defendant in the capacity of those who do not continue as a plaintiff and registration files with no restriction registered in Buldan Trade Registry Directorate limited and anonymous companies, with the original petition signed by the authorities or partners addressed to the Buldan Chamber of Commerce and the Buldan Chamber of Commerce until 26 June 2015 for the evaluation of their records under Temporary Article 7 of the Law no. they need to apply. u