Treasury 2 billion pounds of new resources from entrepreneurs ..

Treasury 2 billion pounds of new resources from entrepreneurs ..

Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Şimşek, who is responsible for the economy, added that they have added a new one to the support they provide to entrepreneurs.

Şimşek stated that they started their activities with the angel investment system and stated that they have activated the u fund of funds ”system, which supports venture capital funds, which is an alternative financing tool.

Şimşek reminded that they form the legal basis of the mass funding that will enable entrepreneurs to raise funds from citizens. he said.

Şimşek said that the amount of 2 billion TL will be transferred to the entrepreneurs through venture capital funds.

This source, until 2023 by the Undersecretariat to be transferred to the funds by indicating that Şimşek pointed out that at the same time the country's economy in the next 5 years will create a leverage effect of at least 4 billion pounds said.

"Milestones" for entrepreneurs and investors
The resources to be Treasury's import market, the multiplier effect where, will provide the importance of encouraging foreign funds to Turkey in striking lightning, to build a facility to make joint investments, so that entrepreneurs more funding, insisted that he would get faster. Şimşek made the following assessment:

"This regulation will be accepted as a milestone for our entrepreneurs and investors and new projects on the agenda of our government will be put into practice in order. Firstly, a new breath will be brought to the field of industrial university business intelligence. atif Innovative and technological ideas will easily reach financing, and Turkish initiatives will be included in the 'unicorn' initiatives that have valued over $ 1 billion in the world. ”

Şimşek said that with the micro participation fund to be established, regional supports will be provided with priority, especially for women entrepreneurs.

Simsek, "Participation banks to gain experience in venture capital funds, our efforts to establish joint funds, this regulation will be accelerated with the entry into force, to increase the access to interest-free financing mudaraba-muşaraka alternative financing tools will be widespread." said.