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According to the Law No. 6331, the obligation of Occupational Health and Safety services will be effective on 01.07.2016 for workplaces with less than 10 employees and in the less dangerous workplaces.

In Article 6, Paragraph 1 (a) of the 6331 Occupational Health and Safety Law; Yeri The workplace, which has less than 10 employees and does not have the required qualifications and required documents, is in the less dangerous class and may carry out occupational health and safety services except for entry and periodic examinations and inspections provided that they complete the trainings announced by the Ministry by their employers or their representative. Yönetmelik The regulation regarding the occupational health and safety services to be carried out by the employer or his representative in the workplaces prepared on the basis of these articles was published in the Official Gazette dated 29.06.2015 and numbered 29401 and entered into force.
Article 10, paragraph 1 of the Regulation: “trainings; Open education system, which is competent in providing education, examination centers, offices and academic consulting services in each province is given by the protocol by the Ministry. “.
With this certificate program carried out by Anadolu University, it is aimed to provide training and certification of the occupational health and safety services to employers or their proxies in the workplaces with less than ten employees and in the less dangerous class. Thus, the purpose of the Regulation will be realized and the employer or employer representatives in their workplaces
They will be able to run the services themselves.

Within this scope, applications regarding the first e-certificate training program to be conducted by Anadolu University will be made from http: // between 28 December 2015 - 15 January 2016. The information note regarding the registration and application conditions is attached and it is announced to the members within the scope of the relevant legislation.

Click here for information note

Which Danger Class is My Workplace?