Industrial production up 1.3 percent compared to the previous month
In January 2017, the index for mining and quarrying decreased by 4.1% compared to the previous month, while the index for manufacturing industry sector was 1.6% and electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning production and distribution sector index increased by 1.5%.
Industrial production increased by 2.6% compared to the same month of the previous year
When the sub-sectors of the calendar adjusted industry (2010 = 100 base years) are analyzed, in January 2017, the index for mining and quarrying decreased by 13.7% compared to the same month of the previous year, while the index for manufacturing industry was 2.8% and electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning production and distribution sector index increased by 7.2%.
The highest increase was in energy
Seasonally and calendar adjusted main industrial groups (MIGs) showed the highest increase in energy in January 2017 compared to the previous month with 3.7%.
Highest increase in furniture manufacturing
Analyzing the seasonal and calendar adjusted sub-sectors of manufacturing industry, the highest increase was 18,0% in January 2017 compared to the previous month in furniture manufacturing. This increase was followed by fabricated metal products (excluding machinery and equipment) with 12.5% and coke and refined petroleum products with 11.2%.
The highest decrease was in computer, electronics and optical products
Analyzing the seasonal and calendar adjusted sub-sectors of manufacturing industry, the highest decrease was 15.9% in the manufacture of computers, electronics and optical products in January 2017 compared to the previous month. This decrease was followed by the production of leather and related products with 4.5% and other productions.