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13 Mexico Business Summit, 25-27 October 2015, in Guadalajara, Mexico

As reported by the Ministry of Economy; The 13th Mexico Cumbre de Negocios will be held on 25-27 October 2015 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

It is stated that this Summit is held once a year, it is the Davos of Mexico, and it is an important platform with the participation of the leading businessmen of Mexico as well as senior government officials from various countries of the world.

Mexican and Latin American market to better recognize and Turkey-Mexico economic relations ensuring participation of concerned senior business summit, a platform for the development of our company will be useful for dealing with this region is considered.

Information to the DEİK (mhocaoğ and the organizer of the Summit, Yael Smadja (E-mail: yael.smadja@smadja.chTel: +1 212 759 60 00) are kindly requested.